Reader Comments

Connee, Do you want to know something....

All I have to do is read your words, and something wells up inside me! When I was on your web site, I was reading much of it, and have more to go. But, I began reading The Gift of Vision. When I read, I Believe that you are a quantum being...........Connee, I welled up, with so much emotion, including my eyes, I had to stop myself, and sit for a moment to take it in! It was like I walked through a surge of emotion right where I sat!  Until I felt relief, and by relief I mean, until, I was able to continue. Like a volt of electricity? I am having difficulty expressing exactly how I felt, but it was GOOD! It was GOD! It was source! It simply....WAS! How wonderful it is, I am able to connect with your, across the country, via the Internet! Can I ask you, on a personal note, what do you do everyday to begin your day, or to find your connection? Do you meditate? I am trying to find a way to begin my own day, once the children are off to school. Right now, I feel like there is so much I wan to do, or can do, I feel like I have attention deficit! With great love and appreciation,

If you're like me, you have a pile, or several piles, of books and tapes waiting for you...waiting for you to find that little nook of time  to settle down cozily and give them your attention.

My pile includes the first three Harry Potter books, a book on the heart I got at church a few weeks ago, a book on gratitude, tapes on activating my DNA, Abe tapes...and that's just the top of pile. <grin>

Well, I finally found the moment to pick up a slim spiral-bound book called "The Gift of Vision" by our own Connee Chandler. I slipped into those pages like I was slipping into a pool of light, floating in some totally safe and wonderous place. It transported me. It is going to be one of my favorites, something I can pick up and just "be there"...a touchstone to my own inner serenity. 

Thank you Connee. I really and absolutely love it.

Vilik Rapheles,  Corvallis, OR

I have been savoring Connee's new book in bits and pieces and all I can say is that it is very powerful in bringing me into that inner place of awareness grace, remembering who I am and connectedness! I love having the printed copy that I ordered!

Two powerful quotes for me this week...

Thanks Connee!
Kathy McGrane, El Paso, TX

"YOUR BOOK IS FABULOUS. And a gift to the world....just went to your website and read the Table of Contents, the Teddy Bear and The Path. Connee, you are full of spiritual courage and I honor you. You are a teacher and a gift. Your book is wonderful a blessing to everyone who comes in contact with it, you and the teaching".

Rev. Lisa Stewart, Charlotte, N.C.

Thank you so much for putting the first chapter of "A Gift of Vision" up on your site. I just finished reading "The Path." It brought tears to my eyes and touched me deeply. The story reminded me of something I know is true but forget sometimes in daily life. If your site number counter goes up and up and up, it's me rereading "The Path" again and again whenever I need to remember what our lives really are about.

I really appreciate your making "Gift" available here on the Web. I've been reading it slowly, allowing myself an essay every now and then as a special treat, so I can stretch out the discovery. Thanks again.

Ellen Zuby, Coopersburg, PA

It is difficult to find words good enough to describe your website. Maybe my experience would help. I usually check e-mail before breakfast. Yesterday I read your good news announcement and thought I would take a quick peek at your website. Three hours later I realized I was quite hungry and wandered down to get some breakfast. 

I have never been able to do visioning of my own. I became "caught up" in some of the visions and found myself "there" as  a part of the experience. All was good. I make other visits to your site frequently, for a boost.  You are such a gift to our planet.

Earl Hansen, Salt Lake City, Utah

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