March 15, 1997

A New Page

In this vision, I was sitting at my computer doing some word processing. I was trying to fit some new information onto a page containing a lot of old information. Preferring the format I'd created for the new information, I was spending a lot of time trying to make the old material line up beautifully with the new material. It just didn't fit right. I was getting very frustrated, recovering perfectionist I’ve been, because I couldn't get it to look orderly and attractive.

Suddenly a light dawned. The new information didn't really need to be integrated in with the old. I did a quick control-enter, so my word processor created a new blank page. I copied the new stuff onto the new page. Voila! It was beautiful, easily readable, consistent, and clear. I glanced back at the other page and it looked better, too. My prejudice against the old format was the problem. The original layout by itself looked fine.

I know we draw into our vibration anything we focus on. It doesn’t matter whether our focus is on what we want to include or what we don’t want to include. There is no such thing as exclusion. Therefore, when I was paying attention to what wasn't wanted, and then trying to make it fit with what was wanted, it looked awful and I felt negative emotion. I was demonstrating resistance in action.

However, when I focused on including exactly what I wanted, I could have the idea to turn to a new page. I could recognize the old information really had nothing to do with the new material. As soon as I let the past go, all was well. The new page by itself was wonderful. Recognizing this, I could look back at the old page and see it as more pleasing, too. That's allowing in action.

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